other works

サンドリオン - 天体図 (『星屑テレパス』ED主題歌) (co-write, co-prod)

Splice Moment 'Resonance Botanica' (sample pack sound production)

厚生労働省 (MHLW) Butterfly Heart Campaign (music production)

春野 - Up In The Clouds (arrangement)

Deemo II (music production)

UNIQLO 'Masterpiece' instagram ad (music production)

okamura 'We Labo' visual (music production)

Peterparker69 - deadpool EP (mix/master/co-prod)

PAS TASTA (co-production, mixing, mastering)

Cumuloworks SHOWREEL 2022 (music production)

Zurich Green Music (music production)

Panasonic 衣類スチーマー (music production)

meme tokyo. メテオ蜃気楼 (co-prod/arrangement)

ZOZO niaulab TV (intro music production)

Cumuloworks SHOWREEL 2021 (music production)

others including SPACETIDE, IZUMO, CANTEEN podcast jingle and more to come...